I recently soft launched JoinGlean.com, an initiative against obscured tech interview processes while job hunting. I've been interviewing with different tech. companies for over a year now, after r...
Dreamdesignstudio.co; helped design, develop, and deploy a new under-construction page 🎉
Designed the UI & UX of a virtual debit card chrome extension app. Figma link: https://www.figma.com/file/85DwZQHlEe6TnYfYOsQuc3/first-version-of-split?node-id=1652%3A304
Design from a few months ago, on Figma. Figma link: https://www.figma.com/file/bMMgZuwWloxzKgpDjRPIGP/GOMOJO?node-id=0%3A1
http://rocasole.vercel.app/ Designed & developed landing page for new project using Figma & Next.js.
While working at Commerce.js as the first front-end developer, I designed an example D2C headless e-commerce site and also developed a working version with both React.js and Vue.js. I then publishe...
Created an open-source React.js lightweight UI library using Vite for tooling and prefixed TailwindCSS util classes internally. https://github.com/john-raymon/lite-react-UI-components
Helped develop the UI library at my previous company (a start-up) using Vue.js with TailwindCSS 😍 https://github.com/chec/ui-library
Launched OnlyInsta, an open-source (https://github.com/john-raymon/onlyinsta) web-based clean-content photo-video subscription service for content-creators creating highly sought after exclusive co...